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Adult Services

Emerald Coast Exceptional Families provides information on disability-related services in Santa Rosa, Escambia, and Okaloosa Counties as we become aware of them. Information on this page should not be viewed as an endorsement, nor is it comprehensive.  If we are missing a resource, please let us know! 

Capstone Adult Services

Capstone offers residential services, skills training, and adult day training. There is also a new Student Skills Training Program and Capstone Pet Place in Milton.


Center for Independent Living of NW Florida

Their mission is to assist individuals with disabilities achieve their goals for independence. They offer a wide range of services including: Advocacy Services, Information and Referral, Independent Living Skills,
Peer Mentors, and Community Transition.


Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Florida Department of Education

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a federal-state program that helps people who have physical or mental disabilities get or keep a job. VR is committed to helping people with disabilities find meaningful careers.


Florida Health and Transition Services (HATS)

FloridaHATS is a program of Florida Department of Health, Children’s Medical Services. Our mission is to ensure successful transition from pediatric to adult health care for all youth and young adults in Florida, including those with disabilities, chronic health conditions or other special health care needs.

(813) 259-8604

Global Connections to Employment

An affiliate of Lakeview Center that helps provide job placement.


Power Employment Group, Inc.

Power Employment Group, Inc. is a full service provider.   We provide Job Development, Job Placement and Follow -Along Service. We accept Employment  Services ,  Supportive Employment and OJT referrals.  We are a Med-Waiver/APD Provider for Job Coaching / Supportive Employment. 


Santa Rosa County Schools Transition Services

What path will your child take after high school?  Transition planning can help you with the answer!  All students with IEPs must receive transition planning and services to be addressed annually by the IEP team.  Transition planning consists of curriculum, services, and supports to help students with disabilities, ages 13-21, move successfully to life after high school with the focus on: future education and training, careers and employment, community involvement, and connections with agencies and services.


The ARC Gateway PALS

The Arc Gateway Program for Adult Learning and Support (PALS) is a career certification program located on the main campus of Pensacola State College. The program provides learning on a college campus that focuses on career certification, increased independence, and preparation to enter the workforce.


The Arc Gateway

Located in Pensacola, The Arc provides a wide variety of services including job skills training, community based employment, transportation, social activities, and more.


The Arc of the Emerald Coast

 The Arc of the Emerald Coast provides services in Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, and Walton Counties.  We provide services that work to include all children and adults with cognitive, intellectual, and developmental disabilities in every community. We also focus on abilities, respect, choice for all and encourage active citizenship and inclusion in every community.


Vision of Hope

Vision of Hope, Inc. was formed as a Florida nonprofit corporation to address the need for transitional services for disabled individuals, including vocational training, job coaching, job placement, and supervised housing.

PO Box 5188
Navarre, FL 32566
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