Special Needs Ministries
Emerald Coast Exceptional Families provides information on disability-related services in Santa Rosa, Escambia, and Okaloosa Counties as we become aware of them. Information on this page should not be viewed as an endorsement, nor is it comprehensive. If we are missing a resource, please let us know!

Community Life Center - Gulf Breeze
Community Life United Methodist Church is an inclusive church. They have designed special programs and accommodations to enhance special needs worship experience and full participation in our ministries. They offer a Bible Study for adults and occasional Caregiver Nights out.


Risen Savior Lutheran Church
Jesus Cares Ministry Special worship service for anyone with special needs or cognitive impairments. We want to provide a welcoming, accepting, safe environment for families and individuals who feel left out of typical worship opportunities, are uncomfortable in crowds, or for whatever reason don't feel the Sunday worship time is for them. We want to serve you! Worship will be highly visual, make use of rhythm instruments, and have a simplified Christ centered message.


St. Sylvester Catholic Church
Son Treasure was established to offer respite for family members with special needs children to attend the 11am Sunday Mass, while we work with their special child in a secure, nurturing and learning environment. Utilizing many visual and adaptive techniques, our dedicated team of volunteers work side-by-side with each student, to learn about God and our Catholic faith and to prepare them for the sacraments. Our goal is to eventually reunite each child with his/her family in the Mass setting.